Legal Scandals  

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Sixten Westerlund.
My father, Sixten Westerlund, was active in local politics for about 20 years. In 1941 he married my mother, Johanne Arnensen, who had arrived as a refugee from a war-torn Northern Norway. For a period in the 60s he was the chairman of the Communist party at Arjeplog's Municipality, Norrbotten County, (66° 3'5.42" 17°53'24.19" ).

Meeting with the School Board. Photo taken about in 1956.

During my childhood I was told many stories about Nazi atrocities, partly from Sixten , but also from my Norwegian relatives . Sixten was known for his anti-Nazi views during the war years. He was under surveillance by the Police at Arjeplog during this period. He was also considered for detention in the political prison camp Storsien . Sweden held about 700 political prisoners during WW 2.

During the 60's, he let me know that he and several other leading communists at Arjeplog was monitored by the Swedish national security agency Säpo.  Telephone tapping and letter opening were the methods used . I found this odd since Sixten was known throughout the
community as a decent fellow. He had his own firm within the painting industry with about 5 employees. The knowledge of monitoring meant that I definitely said no to all forms of political engagement .The Cold War raged at its worst during the 60's and 70's . U.S. demands on Sweden were crystal clear :
Keep all leading communists under surveillance
The situation was particularly sensitive in Norrbotten. The area is of great strategic importance to NATO. It was feared that there might be Communists who spied on behalf of the Soviet Union. Säpo's job was to capture these alleged spies. In the Communist hunt that went on during this period several innocent people ended up trapped.

I wish for clarity mention that we, Sixten Westerlund and Per Westerlund, never existed in any criminal records. Säpo's insinuation of us as criminals is and will remain a figment of their imagination.

In my investigations, I have taken an interested in Sixten's background before my adoption. When I discovered that I was exposed to theft of semen (see Per Westerlund), it was close to assuming that Sixten was affected by the same thing. I have found that he donated semen voluntarily. It has been done in collaboration with Jehovah's Witnesses. His contributions have been extensive and have branches all over the world.

Sixten grew up in the small village of Racksund, located about 17 km west of Arjeplog. His legally registered parents were Mattias Westerlund (1865 - 1950) and Eufrosyne Westerlund (1866 - 1950). Their biological father was King Oscar II (1829 - 1907).  Sixten came from a relatively wealthy home. Mattias supported the family as a businessman. He had good contacts with the Laplanders within Arjeplog Municipality. Trade in products such as reindeer meat, reindeer skins, reindeer horns, etc. was an important source of income. Sixten has not told much about his parents' background. His relationship with Mattias was practically non-existent. I have found that Mattias was a fascist. On May 1, in 1950, he was on a walk in central Arjeplog. Suddenly he fell down on the street. A number of people rush to help. They were able to establish that he had died on the spot. My assumption is that he was poisoned.

As late as in 1940, Sixten was hesitant to be considered a communist. When I tracked his donations, I have found a number with political connections - at a high level. The most recent insemination from Sixten with a fascist connection took place in December 1942. During the autumn and winter of 1942-1943, the battle of Stalingrad raged. My view is that Sixten joined communism by 1943. After the defeat of the Nazis in Stalingrad, it was clear that it was only a matter of time before World War II would be over. Of course, the conditions for Jehovah's insemination activity changed. I have not found anything to suggest that Sixten contributed donations to the Soviet Union. He was branded a fascist and therefore an undesirable person. The Soviet Union cooperated with Jehovah's both during and after World War II. It was preferred to employ leading communists within the Soviet Union as alpha males

Attempted Assassination In Majorca, 1965.

In the fall of 1965, my sister EW suggested that our family would celebrate Christmas in Majorca. I thought it was a fun idea and immediately said yes to the proposal. After a few weeks Sixten called me. He wanted to talk to me about EW's proposal. He was concerned and tried to persuade me to say no to the proposal. I was surprised at his negative attitude. I thought it would be nice for both him and Johanne to get away on a trip. After the conversation I thought that, as usual, there were political doubts from Sixten. I knew about the bad reputation of the Franco regime in Sweden. Since I met some people who had visited Majorca and only had praise, I saw no obstacles to a trip.
Our family arrived in Mallorca one week before Christmas. We stayed at a hotel in El Terreno. Everything was to contentment. We
had lunch and dinner daily in the hotel's dining room. The food was served by waiters. After a couple of days, EW presented the Danish national IS to our family.

IS and EW. Note that EW has a checker-pattern dress. In the middle of
her chest the pattern passes to a cross. Photo: Per Westerlund.

Two days before Christmas Eve we had dinner as usual. IS was invited to sit at our table. Immediately after the dinner each one of us went to our rooms. After about half an hour, Johanne came to my room. She announced that  Sixten had become ill. EW had asked for medical assistance via the hotel's reception. They contacted a doctor who quickly showed up. After a few more hours, Johanne announced that Sixten was treated in his room and that he had now become better. I was not allowed to visit Sixten. The next day I met Sixten and Dr. Juan. Sixten was mat but in good mood. He had suffered from a heart attack.

Doctor Juan and Sixten. Photo: Per Westerlund.

Sixten stayed in bed for a few days but was soon back on his feet. His stance was that the doctor's immediate intervention had saved him. He had no heart problems either before or after this event. As a matter of fact, he was very healthy and in good condition. IS checked out from the hotel the day after Sixten's heart attack - without giving us any notice. In March 1967, EW announced that IS had died in "cancer" three months earlier. During the autumn of 2007, EW was reported to have died in "cancer". She became 65 years old. I was asked not to attend EW's funeral - a wish that I respected.

The CIA is responsible for this attempted murder by poison. The operation was designed in such a way that I should be a murder suspect in the event of Sixten's death. In my investigations, I have found that the
perpetrator and CIA agent Michael Townley was the one that mastered the operation at Majorca. He also figures in the investigation regarding the Palme Murder. The private investigator Ole Dammegård has presented Townley's connection with the Palme Murder and
other political murders.

YouTube Video: Mike Posner - I Took A Pill In Ibiza.

                                                                       Gustaf Adolf

YouTube Video: Ace Of Base - All That She Wants

YouTube Video: Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam