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Hyundai GPS Tracker No. 5 and No. 6 Discovered, 2021-10-14.
In the continued search for trackers, I have concentrated on the space in the car's interior. When I looked around, I saw that the controls on the steering wheel could be of interest. They have a clear view upwards through the windscreen to the radio masts.

Controls on the left side of the steering wheel. Controls on the right side of the steering wheel.

The controls on the left side contain functions for mobile phone (hands free), volume button for the radio and Bluetooth. The right side contains functions for the radio. I disassembled the steering wheel and was then able to access the circuit boards.

Circuit board. Left controls.
The upper side.           Circuit board. Left controls. The underside.

Circuit board.
Right controls. The upper side.     Circuit board. Right controls. The underside.

I estimate that these devices, which also contain GPS trackers, have been installed at Hyundai's factory.  My assumption is that they have been leased to
the Spy Center's customers from time to time. Not all trackers may have been in operation at the same time. They would then interfere with each other. When I measure the distance from the trackers above to the Body Comfort Module, I get about 60 cm. When I used the car for about 4 years, the battery was exhausted. This fast consumption has certainly been due to the fact that several trackers have been in standby mode around the clock. Madness.