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Hyundai GPS tracker (No. 3) Discovered 2021-10-07.
A few days after I discovered tracker no. 2 I would visit a company in Malaga. I typed the address into my GPS navigator and started the journey. After about 10 minutes of driving, I noticed that the navigator gave me incorrect instructions. From this I concluded that I was hacked. So there was another GPS tracker installed in my car. I started searching the car again. Since the left and right sides under the dashboard were already occupied by trackers, there was only one alternative left; the middle. The ideal place to hide a tracker was the center console. I searched for information on the Internet about the design of the console and came up with photos and drawings that well described how it would be removed. When I disassembled, I discovered the tracker:

Under the yellow X, the tracker's label appears. It was connected to two yellow
cables. The cable out to the left was connected to tracker no. 1 (Body Comfort Module).
The cable at the bottom was connected to the car's Airbag System.

Hyundai Airbag Control Unit. Approximate dimensions are 11 x 11 x 3.5 cm
(L x W x T).

The top of the circuit board. At the bottom you can see two cable connections.

The underside of the circuit board. This side was sealed with an aluminum
plate. Thickness about 1.5 mm. Four screws held the plate in place. The
screw heads were designed for a special tool. I made a tool and managed to
get loosen the plate.

The fact that a GPS tracker is hidden in this way by integrating it into another function (Airbag) makes detection difficult. I assume the top of the circuit board contains components for the GPS tracker while the bottom contains components for the Airbag system. In this way, the Airbag system can not interfere with the GPS tracker.

Why has this GPS tracker been installed? Over the years, I have identified the combatants in the war on semen. NWO's fascists had access to tracker no. 1. Jehovah's had access to tracker no. 2. My assumption is that the Swedish fascists controlled tracker no. 3. After six years on the Costa del Sol, I have learned that the Swedish fascists are not desirable here. Maybe they wanted a place in the sun via tracker no. 3? Madness.